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Burnett, C., Adams, G.,  Gillen, J., Thompson, T. L., Cermakova, A., Shannon, D. B., Shetty, P. (in press). Research mobilities in primary literacy education: Interrogating how teachers encounter research in an age of evidence-based teaching. Routledge.

PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES                                                                                                                               

Shannon, D. B., & Hackett, A. (2024). The entanglement of language and place in early childhood: A review of the literature.

     Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. (Open Access)

Shannon, D. B., & Hackett, A. (2024). Opaque Reciprocity: Theorising Glissant’s ‘right to opacity’ as a communication and language praxis in early childhood education.

     Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 45(1) (Open Access)

Truman, S. E., Shannon, D. B., & Yusoff, K. Y. (2023). Cosmic Beavers: Queer counter-mythologies through speculative songwriting.
     Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. 28(6). (Open Access)

Shannon, D. B. (2023). ‘Trajectories matter’: Affect, neuroqueerness and music research-creation in an early childhood classroom.      

    Qualitative Inquiry. 29(1) (Open Access)

Shannon, D. B. (2022). Perversity, precarity, and an embarrassment of (neuro)queer failures: Tracing a ‘more precise typology’ of the affects of failure and anxiety in an in-school research-creation project.
    International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 37(3) (Open Access)


Shannon, D. B. (2021). A/autisms :: a ‘queer labor of the incommensurate’: Holding onto the friction between different orientations towards autism in an early childhood research-creation project. 

    International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.  (Open Access)

Shannon, D. B. (2021). What do 'propositions' do for research-creation? Truth and modality in Whitehead and Wittgenstein. 
    Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research. 2(2) (Open Access)


Shannon, D. B. (2020). Neuroqueering Noise: Beyond ‘mere inclusion’ in a neurodiverse early childhood classroom. 
    Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 9(5) (Open Access)


Shannon, D. B., & Truman, S. E. (2020). Problematizing sound methods through music research-creation: Oblique Curiosities. 
    International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 19 (Open Access)


Shannon, D. B. (2019). ‘What could be feminist about sound studies?’: (in)Audibility in young children’s soundwalking. 
    Journal of Public Pedagogies. (4) (Open Access)


Truman, S. E., & Shannon, D. B. (2018). Queer sonic cultures: An affective walking-composing project. 
    Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry. 1(3) (Open Access)

CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKS                                                                                                                                           

Shannon, D. B. (forthcoming). The Borg, “Star Trek’s” disability problem, and ‘the future’ of in(ter)dependence in special education in England. 

Shannon, D. B. (2023). “Oh, I could do that!” Cheap but good advice for playing music in a classroom. In P. Gibson, R. Morgan, & A. Brett, (Eds.), Primary Teacher Solutions: Ready Pedagogy and Inspirational Ideas. Routledge.

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